Hiring a tennis coach can help you improve your game, reduce the likelihood of injury and hopefully increase your enjoyment of the game of tennis as your skills improve.

Everyone will have different expectations and requirements from a coach based such factors as their age, current playing ability and objectives. Someone new to the game will need to be taught the fundamentals whilst an experienced budding superstar will need a coach that can take them to the next level. Despite these differences, there are some universal things that you should reasonably expect.

You will be best served if you choose a coach who has a current qualification relevant to your coaching needs. The two major organisations that certify coaches are Tennis Australia and the Australian Tennis Professional Coaches Association. This will help to not only ensure that your coach is a qualified instructor, but also that they have the necessary training in First Aid, and proper insurance covering such things as liability, indemnity and pupil injury.  In addition, if you are seeking a coach for a junior player, you will want them to have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) relevant to your State as there is currently no national screening system nor are there any nationally regulated standards.


Communicate your Objectives

Results matter most. The reason we seek coaching is because we want to improve our game. If we are going to be spending valuable time and hard earned money on coaching it needs to pay off in tangible results that match our goals. You need to communicate these objectives to your coach and they should develop a plan specifically for you that takes into account your time constraints, your budget and your goals. The plan should be realistic and measurable with specific objectives  in mind. If you are not seeing the results you expect, then you either need to re-evaluate your plan with your coach or more drastically find a new coach.

Of course a certain responsibility rests with you the player being coached as well. If you and your coach agree to a certain practice regime, then it is important that you fulfill your part of the obligation. It stands to reason that just because you have been given instruction, that may not translate to playing results if you are unable or unwilling to put in the necessary work.



Different Expectations

It’s not so much a universal expectation, as everyone is different, but you should expect that your coach will treat you as an individual and with respect. Find a coach that you are comfortable communicating with, and in whose methods you believe will work for you.

Lastly, expect your coach to provide encouragement as you progress and even as you struggle. If you choose a qualified instructor, you are more likely to find someone who can meet and even exceed these expectations. You will improve the quality of your play and likely your enjoyment of the game of tennis.

Remember, even the pros use coaches. Coaching is not just for the beginner, it is for everyone who plays the game and wants to continue to improve

To find out how our professional coaches at can help, why not talk to us about private lessons. Contact us today for more information.